Choose Type of Membership

Business Membership

Membership includes: Newsletter subscription, reduced registration fees for NASGA events, website listing, a Membership Resource Directory, and voting privileges.
If you are rejoining and were a member in 2014-2016, pay regular dues of:
or New Member:

Individual Membership

Membership includes: Newsletter subscription, reduced registration fees for NASGA events, website listing, and a Membership Resource Directory.

Corporate Membership

Membership includes up to $400 in newsletter advertising.

Information for NASGA's Membership Records

NOTICE: The NASGA Board of Directors has found that electronic communication is the most time-efficient and cost-effective method for transmitting important information about the organization. By supplying your email and fax information you are agreeing to accept notices and news as part of your membership. In turn, NASGA pledges to respect your privacy and will its best to protect you from unsolicited communications by third parties.
Information for NASGA's Directory and Website (
NASGA's website has a search feature where the public can "Find a Grower", or a grower can locate a supplier or industry expert. The information you have supplied for the NASGA database will also be used on the website and in the NASGA Membership Resource Directory. Contact the business office to provide different information for the directory or website.

For questions or requests for changes, email, or call 613-258-4587.
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