NASGA Research Priorities

NASGA supports a wide range of research with the aim of improving the sustainability of strawberry production in North America (high quality fruit, produced economically, with minimal environmental impact). The following  priorities have been determined by the Research Committee to be the greatest concerns to strawberry growers; however, proposals that do not address these needs will also be considered. Proposals that are directly applicable to growers' needs are given a high priority, as are those that benefit growers in wide geographic  areas. Projects that consider economics tend to be ranked higher. 

The following are not listed in any order of priority.

I. Cultivar Development and Testing

  • Improve diversity of the strawberry germplasm.
  • Develop rapid, accurate screening techniques to aid in the production of cultivars which are adapted to specific regions of North America, productive under specific cultural conditions, tolerant of abiotic stresses and resistant to major disease and insect pests.
  • Develop cultivars with increased fruit size and quality, an extended season and consistency of production.  

II. Pest Management Strategies

  • Develop integrated control measures, and determine their influence on food safety and environmental quality.
  • Develop alternatives to chemical soil fumigation.
  • Develop monitoring systems, economic thresholds and management plans to aid in the control of important insects, mites, diseases and weeds, while maintaining product safety and minimizing environmental damage. Particularly troublesome pests and diseases include tarnished plant bug, spotted wing drosophila, cyclamen mite, sting nematode, brown marmorated stink bug, mites, Phytophthora, Verticillium, anthracnose, angular leaf spot, black root rot, and Botrytis in organic or extended-season production systems and many weed  species.
  • Assist in the testing of new chemistries and biological controls for strawberry pests.
    Understanding the biology as well as management and control of cyclamen mites in nurseries and grower fields.

III. Production Efficiency and Profitability

  • Determine the precise nutrient needs of the strawberry plant over time and identify effective methods of
    delivering nutrients to the plant.
  • Timing and rates of application of micronutrients for maximizing yield of high capacity varieties.
  • Develop methodology to extend the marketing season.
  • Develop or refine production technology that will result in increased fruit quality, productivity and profitability for the grower, and/or reduce environmental impacts.

IV. Special Needs

  • Identify practices and technologies that reduce risks of microbiological contamination of strawberry fruit due to exposure to pathogens from handlers and/or animals along the supply chain.

Thank you for your interest in doing research that contributes to the success of the strawberry industry.