Join us for a gorgeous international tour in Huelva, Spain! The tour will be three full days with bus travel, lunch and refreshments included each of the three days. The cost of the tour will be $250 USD for members and $350 for non members.
Room Rate Information
The room cost is either $95 or $105 Euros per night plus tax.
We would encourage you to book your hotel right away as we will lose rooms as we get closer to the date.
Cut-Off Date:
The preferred rate cut-off date is January 18, 2024.
To Book
Please follow the link below for our special tour booking rates.
As far as getting to Huelva you have a few options. You can arrive on your own or you can meet the group at the airport in Seville the evening of March 3rd. We will have a bus leaving from the airport that day likely late afternoon to early evening (6 pm). The bus will drop people off there at the end of the tour as well if you are interested. Seville, Spain and Faro, Portugal are the two closest airports to Huelva.
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